Archive for the ‘Minister of Police’ Category

Full-body Armour for WAR’rior Cops?

July 28, 2008

Police consider* full-body armour as assaults increase
(*for USA SWAT style warrant serving?, its those meth heads justifying our need to be safe! Yeah Right! )

10:00AM Monday July 28, 2008 NZH – Police culture

Increasing violence against police could result in officers being kitted out in full-body armour. Police headquarters has confirmed it is considering full-body protection for frontline staff, as the number of assaults on officers continues to rise.

They have yet to determine exactly what sort of armour would be used but The Dominion Post reported that the possibilities ranged from extra protection for arms and legs to an all-over suit – similar in appearance to that in the film Robocop.

The number of assaults against police increased to 2248 last year, the equivalent of one in four officers being assaulted. In 2006, there were 2123 assaults on police. Of the 2007 incidents, 88 involved a weapon, including a gun or knife. Police began a $10.4 million programme last year, to provide stab-proof vests to every frontline officer. There were delays because of size and heat problems. Police said discussions about new armour were at an early stage. Any upgraded protection would be reserved for police called to deal with disorder incidents. The Police Association said it had not heard of the proposal.


Recommended Read: With Aid Of Pentagon, Civilian Forces Acquiring Army-Style Look, Approach – “POLICE DEVELOP ‘MILITARY’ MIND SET” by Diane Cecilia Weber

Class D, Legal Regulation reduces Meth: New Statesman.

April 4, 2008

In 1999, the New Zealand government was facing a rising crystal meth problem and took the unusual step of creating a new class for “harm reduction” drugs, Class D, allowing licensed companies to make and sell piperazine-based highs. So far, five million BZP pills have been sold in New Zealand and Bowden’s Stargate business has the lion’s share.

More crucially the failings of drug policy couldn’t be more evident than the the lying b’stards (and former NZ Police at that) over at MethCon . Who dreamed that word up?. Opening line of their latest media missive New ‘Ice Age’ is drug scourge of New Zealand

It begins with the illusion that P has exceeded the popularity of cannabis. What have these guys been smoking? New Zealand has the highest cannabis uptake in the OECD. It couldn’t be more popular if it was made compulsory. Meth is a stink drug. MethCon says its “wakefulness, hyperactivity, lots of energy and euphoria” will lead to “one of the most serious threats to the workforce, and indeed, society as a whole.” I don’t see the connection between these two but MethCon does, it may have something to do with asking for money to save the planet.

I have heard “P” described by host and senior female police officer at a “Healthy Christchurch” community event as a “30 Minute Orgasm”… (whereupon a sheepish if lone voice was heard to call ‘where can I get some!’).

Parents, keep these guys, particularly former detective Sabin, out of your schools and away from your children, they set a bad example and should be embarrassed by, rather than proud of perpetuating the Meth Con on our kids.

Teachers teach kids, whereas former Police, Drug Addicts and Alcoholics foster double standard impediments to health promotion. Ottawa Charter stuff…

Send the kids to Class D, and respect adult choice.
[ Class A drugs are much too good for them anyway!]

Blair Anderson,
Educators for Sensible Drug Policy EFSDP.ORG

Drugs prohibition is ‘unworkable and immoral’ says Chief Constable

October 16, 2007

The Chief Constable of North Wales Police Richard Brunstrom, recommends in a report published today, that his Police Authority officially support his call for the legalisation and regulation of drugs, as part of their submission to the drug strategy consultation being conducted by the [UK] Government. He also recommends that they affiliate to Transform Drug Policy Foundation [Founder, top cop Eddie Ellison who visted NZ see LEAP TOUR] The Authority meets on Monday 15 October to discuss the recommendations.

Danny Kushlick, Transform Director said:

“We are absolutely delighted at Mr Brunstrom’s paper. The Chief Constable has displayed great leadership and imagination in very publicly calling for a drug policy that replaces the evident failings of prohibition with a legal system of regulation and control for potentially dangerous drugs”.

“Mr Brunstrom’s call is less surprising when you consider that prohibition, and the illegal markets it creates, is the single largest cause of crime in the UK , generating £100 billion in crime costs alone over the last ten years.

Transform Drug Policy Foundation: Media Blog: Drugs prohibition is ‘unworkable and immoral’ says Chief Constable

Confusing Messages from Central Givamint

March 10, 1999