Archive for the ‘Misuse of Drugs Act’ Category

"Beyond 2008" Regional Report gets a "D"

April 9, 2008

An 'ecstasy' tablet - seized by law enforeceme...Image via Wikipedia

“Beyond 2008” Regional Report.

This report presents the findings from the consultations held in Australia and New Zealand as part of Beyond 2008, a project of the Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs. Beyond 2008 is a rare opportunity for grass-roots expertise to contribute to a global drug policy process.

The Australian and New Zealand consultation round was one of thirteen held in nine regions across the world.

Here is what it said about Class D in the New Zealand section.

A selection of products containing BZP.Image via Wikipedia

An example of flexibility in legislation is the introduction of an additional class (Restricted Substances category, colloquially known as “class D” in the schedule of controlled drugs under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1974). Benzylpiperazine (BZP) is currently the only drug in this schedule, leading some participants to note that the schedule is under-utilised. Giving some weight to this argument, BZP has recently been reclassified as a class C1 controlled drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act. The upcoming review of the Misuse of Drugs Act was noted as an opportunity to further explore the boundaries of the flexibility around drug control legislation and related policy.

Notably, although the writer and CLASS-D advocate was an offical ‘interloper’ who just turned up, (easier to ask permission later) and contributed to the evidence base on behalf of NZ’s 500,000 pot consumers, there was no mention in dispatches. For the international voices attending Beyond 2008 Class D was a novel response worthy of maintaining a watching brief on. Certainly the above acnowledgement of CLASS D as a means to an end (and to consideration by the Law Commission) by further enabling of the ‘boundaries of the flexibility around drug control legislation and related policy’ can only be a good thing.
full text can be obtained here
These are interesting times…..

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›
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