Archive for the ‘multi-disciplinary study’ Category

Peer-reviewed ‘Daily Mail’ on cannabis

August 15, 2007

What we’ve recently learned about cannabis

Listed here the latest scientific facts about cannabis. Most of the information is taken from that well respected peer-reviewed scientific journal, The Daily Mail*, whom I would like to thank for their valuable contribution to rational debate and responsible, well balanced reporting.

  • It is now 30 times stronger than that smoked in the 1960-1995 period.
  • A single puff on a cannabis cigarette can mean catching life-long schizophrenia.
  • Using cannabis increases the risk of catching schizophrenia to 41%.
  • Since reclassification, mental health wards have been overloaded with over 30,000 cases of schizophrenia amongst schoolchildren each year.
  • Children as young as SIX are being treated for cannabis addiction.
  • Research has proved that 30,000 people die a year through lung cancer caught by smoking it.
  • Smoking one cannabis reefer is as damaging to the lungs as smoking 5 Capstan full strength cigarettes.
  • Cannabis intoxication is responsible for at least 12 murders and countless assaults by schizophrenics in the last year alone.
  • At least 10 cannabis addicts committed suicide in 2006.
  • It causes heroin addiction, 99.9% of heroin addicts started by smoking cannabis.
  • Cannabis is grown in rented houses converted to factories by Vietnamese gangs using child slave labour. The electricity meters are bypassed, which has caused several dangerous fires.
  • Cannabis has been found to contain dangerous amounts of deadly Silicon Dioxide granules.

Thanks to Phil Stovell, Hampshire, UK

* The Daily Mail is a British newspaper and the oldest tabloid, first published in 1896. It is Britain’s second biggest-selling daily newspaper after The Sun.