Archive for the ‘National Party’ Category

MP. Blumsky Criminal?

August 23, 2008

“Story is: I tried to take his joint off him.” says former Mayor of Wellington and then budding National MP subsequently elected via the list ( lets overlook technically a violation of rights, to self determination, to privacy. This would be theft and assault if over tobacco or a beer. So who was the victim?)

The young man punched Mr Blumsky, sending him hurtling down the stairs.
Mr Blumsky said the youth was “a lovely young man” and very apologetic.

If Mr Blumsky had some insight, it would have been he who was in the wrong and the young man the victim. Would this have happened over a can of Speights, an AlcoPop or a 30gms of ‘Park Drive’?

I even suspect that Mr Blumsky’s memory deficit was contrived ‘self defence’ – he knew he was in the wrong. Not the kind of MP I would have wanted.

Community is urged to (conditionally) engage on drug issue

November 2, 2007

Community is urged to engage on drug issue

“It’s about how we voice our concern and work out why people do not see what a problem cannabis is in our community.”

(the MildGreens can tell you why people don’t see what a problem cannabis is in your community…. just ask?)

“Mr Bell is right to say we need to get the issue back on the table — we need to have a really good debate around how people feel about cannabis and we need for it to start pretty much immediately.

“We need people like Meng Foon(1), Nona Aston(2), a few doctors, community leaders with a few clues to all join in and be vocal about the issue so people understand that the debate is coming from within our community. We can make a thousand programmes but, unless there is discussion from within the community about what is needed and how it is accessed, it’s of limited use.” (and we all know what the Health Select Committee said about impediments to health promotion… or are you all stupid? This ‘we care more than you care’ shite makes a good man vomit.. this is about job preservation and the marketing ‘treatment services’ dependent on drug mayhem and moral panic for its budgets.. /Blair )

Our questioning of the Ministers of Health and Justice and spokesmen in the Labour, National and Green Parties has drawn just one response after a day and a half — National’s health spokesman, Tony Ryall.

“The National Party does not support decriminalisation of cannabis — we are concerned about the social and health consequences of this drug. (the debate is about effectiveness of the Policy Tony, not National’s morality! Get with the program, your own MP’s are not unanimous on this subject, further, it would be a conscience vote anyway, and it was the National led select committee that called for examination of the effectiveness of the law in 1998 and again in 2003/Blair)

“There is no doubt that drug rehabilitation in NZ needs greater priority, but this view does not extend to legalising cannabis.” He cited the recent front-page apology by The Independent on Sunday newspaper in Britain this year for its 10-year campaign to legalise cannabis. (widely condemed for its profligate rhetoric surrounding 30xtimes ‘what we smoked’ genetically engineered cannabis. The critical ‘antidote’ review of the Independent’s reversal, can be read at /Blair)

“There are now more than 22,000 people a year, almost half under the age of 18, being treated for cannabis addiction in Britain.”

(Tony Ryall was previously unembarrassed by his declaration that everyone in a regional mental health facility was there due to cannabis addiction /Blair ‘leopards-spots’ comes to mind)

(1)Meng is a strong supporter of law and order locally and nationally, believing it to be paramount to a community’s success. He participated in the Commissioner’s Police Act Review Symposium late last year at Victoria University of Wellington. In his submission, Meng said, “The most important part of local government and Police is to be relevant to our communities. The Police are an integral part of our communities; we need each other to be successful. It is all about people – all people, from all walks of life. We have a job to make our nation a great place to live safely in.

(2)Nona Aston is a Road Safety Council member.