Archive for the ‘Noam Chomsky’ Category

Election 08 – Whose Servant Am I ?

October 6, 2008
Squirrels on CrackImage by Mr Jaded via FlickrRace and the ‘war on drugs‘ were so inextricably linked as to be indistinguishable, US lawyer and executive director of Break the Chains, Deborah Peterson Small, told delegates at Release’s Drugs, race and discrimination conference in London. ‘You could even say “what’s drugs got to do with it?”‘ she said. ‘A lot of the conversation we have around drugs is not around drugs. It’s around social control and maintaining the status quo – we’re not having the real conversation.’

Drug policy was partly driven by public fear of crime, much of which was stoked by a media largely no longer there to keep the public informed, but to serve the interests of the large corporations that owned it, she said. This fear was then used as an excuse by governments to implement ineffectual drug policies. ‘The “war on drugs” has become a proxy for dealing with other issues,’ she said. ‘Are we really engaged in a war on drugs, or are we using it as a way of addressing issues in society that we haven’t figured out how to deal with yet?’ /

"The two platforms" From a series of racist posters attacking Radical Republican exponents of black suffrage, issued during the 1866 Pennsylvania gubernatorial race. (See "The Constitutional Amendment," no. 1866-5.) The poster specifically characterizes Democratic candidate Hiester Clymer's platform as "for the White Man," represented here by the idealized head of a young man. (Clymer ran on a white-supremacy platform.) In contrast a stereotyped black head represents Clymer's opponent James White Geary's platform, "for the Negro." Below the portraits are the words, "Read the platforms. Congress says, The Negro must be allowed to vote, or the states be punished." Above is an explanation: "Every Radical in Congress Voted for Negro Suffrage. Every Radical in the Pennsylvania Senate Voted for Negro Suffrage. Stevens Representative Thaddeus Stevens, Forney W. Forney, editor of the " Philadelphia Press":, and Cameron Republican boss Simon Cameron are for Negro Suffrage; they are all Candidates for the United States Senate. No Radical Newspaper Opposes Negro Suffrage. "Geary" said in a Speech at Harrisburg, 11th of August, 1866--"There Can Be No Possible Objection to Negro Suffrage." 1 print : woodcut with letterpress on wove paper ; 44.4 x 57.Image via Wikipedia…. perhaps this insight at this time explains why and crucially at election time, neither National “get tough on crime’ and Labour ‘eyes wide shut’ or the minor parties, including the Greens will not discuss the politics of pot (or any other drug) unless it is preconditioned with the prohibitionist rider ‘that use = abuse’, there are harms, and that drugs = crime. Yet the harms of alcohol and tobacco are never held to the same zero tolerance account. Whose interest is this serving? Consider…..

“A cross the many policy responses to drugs in society, the war on drugs ethos, its legislative instruments, and their enforcement has become a significant driver of drug harms. Through its mass criminalisation of users, its abdication of market control to unregulated criminal profiteers, and creation of a vast anarchic and violent criminal economy, prohibition, whatever its original intentions, has become a policy of harm maximisation, in both public health and criminal justice spheres.” /Danny Kushlick /
A portrait of Noam Chomsky that I took in Vancouver CanadaImage via Wikipedia‘I think there’s a good reason why the propaganda system works this way. It recognises that the public will not support the actual policies. Therefore it’s important to prevent any knowledge or understanding of them. Correspondingly, the other side of the coin is that it’s extremely important to try to bring out the truth about these matters, as best we can.’ / Noam Chomsky, Interview in ‘The Chomsky Reader

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›
Spokesperson on Climate Change, Environment and Associate ‘Shadow’ Law And Order.
#6 ‘on the list’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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