Archive for the ‘othering’ Category

Leading Evidence

May 4, 2007
Leading Evidence.
The evidence of a corollary between the societal response to dogs and drugs is mounting. This media is an exemplar of the othering and typecasting that Natalie, quite correctly points out.

The metaphors, ‘give a dog a bad name’ and ‘never kick a dog that’s down’ are relevant to resolving the tensions behind both of these perplexing social problems, and indicative of what we, the community need to do to fix both.

Media would be less likely to report for example “it has been my experience that Jack Russells more often than not, are agents provocateur” despite that it may well be the common experience of many others. How likely would it be that ‘that tale be told’ let alone, including in this case, be it the actual circumstances?

Prejudices leads to othering. Othering leads to lies. Lies lead to injustice. Injustice serves no one. Dog or Man.

(see comments at )

Blair Anderson