Archive for the ‘Princeton University’ Category

Sugar Addictive? Couldn’t be?

December 27, 2008

An arrangement of psychoactive drugsImage via Wikipedia Study Suggests Sugar May Be Addictive – “changes in the brain seen in people who abuse drugs such as cocaine and heroin”

“Our evidence from an animal model suggests that bingeing on sugar can act in the brain in ways very similar to drugs of abuse,” lead researcher Bart Hoebel, a professor of psychology at Princeton University, said. “Drinking large amounts of sugar water when hungry can cause behavioral changes and even neurochemical changes in the brain which resemble changes that are produced when animals or people take substances of abuse. These animals show signs of withdrawal and even long-lasting effects that might resemble craving,” he said. Dr. Louis Aronne, director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City, added: “The big question has been whether it’s just a behavioral thing or is it a metabolic chemical thing, and evidence like this supports the idea that something chemical is going on.” The stages of addiction, as defined by the American Psychiatric Association, include bingeing, withdrawal and craving. / Monday, 15 December 2008, 5:17:18 a.m. Nomen
SO how would arrest, detention, inquisition, victimisation, labeling, public humiliation and punishment help? How can the latter argument be sustained for cannabis, a non-addictive health food additive where [any] binging, withdrawal and craving is a product of prohibitions set and setting?
Meanwhile unresolved is the tenuous ANZAC ‘herbals’ medicines act…
Class D for herbal psychoactive recreational drug use… is ‘Labours’ partial prohibition. Good move Helen.
[Doh!, Where does the bulk of NZ’s sugar come from?]

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