Archive for the ‘Protest’ Category

Parliament cops a taste of dope

April 12, 2008

The 50-strong group started drifting into Parliament Grounds from 3pm yesterday and lit up their joints for one smoky hour from 4.20pm, watched by police and parliamentary security.
Among them was National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws spokesman Danyl Strype, who said: “The police and the security people have been very approachable. We are being allowed to smoke, I guess, because of the political nature of our action.”


The Dominion reports’ heading is in my honest opinion deliberately perjorative. This term of parliament prohibits any political discussion surrounding cannabis. We know where the dopes can be found. Dopey Editors who dumb the argument down by failing to link crime, security and community well being as noble goals of the cannabis law reform movement.
Although there must be many countries for whom such freedom to not only protest but to brazenly break the law in rightious defiance and not be villified by legal (read criminal) sanction.
Are we addicted to a lack of drugs policy? By John Howarth 10/ 4/2008
Politicians fear that any statement on policy that is a radical departure from convention will be seized upon by their opponents in the media and other parties. This is the only explanation for the paralysis of drugs policy in the UK (and NZ/Blair).