Archive for the ‘psychosis’ Category

Doubt Cast On Psychosis Connection.

November 24, 2008

Animated Brain. The brain is divided into the ...POT laws a Virtual Reality
Image via
….the odds of an association between cannabis and psychosis is “low.” / British Journal of Psychiatry.

Blair Anderson

Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Temporal lobe

This really is about POT law reform . (and some wonder why this is called Blair’s Brain on Cannabis!)

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American Psychiatric Association Assembly Unanimously Backs MedPot

November 7, 2007

In a unanimous vote, the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association has approved a strongly worded statement supporting legal protection for patients using medical marijuana with their doctor’s recommendation.

A major move by one of the nation’s top medical groups, they are backing medical marijuana and they want the [US] federal government to leave doctors alone.

‘This is a very large and important medical organization, it isn’t some fringe group,’ ‘This move debunks a lot of the nonsense from some of the anti-medical marijuana groups. They have been aggressively using false information tactics. These groups allege that there are various links between mental illness and marijuana, ignoring the fact that it is well documented that medical marijuana can be therapeutic’.
Bruce Mirken, Marijuana Policy Project [MPP] .

APAA Unanimously Backs Medical Marijuana – Salem-News.Com: Tim King