Archive for the ‘Radio New Zealand’ Category

Maori Party no example for Fiji Youth.

August 17, 2009

Suva within FijiImage via Wikipedia

Having heard the Radio New Zealand coverage given this day to cannabis in Fiji, it is clear that the dysfunction, unintended consequences and alienation from rule of law is to be perpetuated in the name of a drug war long found wanting.

Cannabis ‘criminalisation’ demands law reform. It is perpetuating anti-youth prejudice (on a global scale) and a distraction from what is really broken. With many friends from Fiji informing me of the role ‘cannabis’ black markets have in elevating mistrust, creating intractable problems, feeding corruption, ingraining gangsta culture and pandering to ‘get tough’ enforcement suggests a much more informed dialog has to be held.

The United Nations has already indicated that the ‘user base’ must be consulted but this is an anathema to many, yet it is the path we must walk. Drug use, even under prohibition, must be acknowledged.

The idea that ‘if only we can teach how dangerous this is to (inoculate?) the kids before they are old enough to ask’ seems to be the only game in town. This however is counter intuitive. It only serves to teach them ‘all their peers are doing it’ and they cant bloody wait.
And we wonder why?

There are powerful forces merchandising fears about cannabis where there should be none. It is not a safe drug. But it is safer than alcohol and/or tobacco. That is indisputable. Lets not start teaching our drug safety by telling kids lies. To do so is to create impediments to credible ‘all health’ promotion. Our kids don’t deserve this. Fijian families should regale at this kind of education. Adopt a *SAFETY FIRST approach. Accept nothing less.

*Google (”safety First” drug education rosenbaum ) OR (beyond zero tolerance)

also see : Fiji youth group says talk required to stem drug abuse

Blair Anderson

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No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism. When standards of conduct or morals which are beyond the normal public sentiment of a great community are professed and enforced, the results are invariably evasion, subterfuge, and hypocrisy. – Winston Churchill, The Daily Telegraph on December 2, 1929.