Archive for the ‘Ramonabant’ Category

Ramonabant for ‘Diabetes’ in NZ ?

November 26, 2007

Ramonobant as a ‘cannabinoid’ blocker. It switches off the same brain circuits that make people hungry when they smoke cannabis.

Studies show that about 30-40% of obese people taking Ramonabant lost more than 5% of their body weight and 10-20% of subjects lost over 10% of their body weight above what they lost on diet alone. Because Ramona acts on the liver as well it had beneficial effects on triglycerides and other fats in the blood. Blood pressure reduction has also been observed with Ramona treatment. Ramona works by blocking an important chemical pathway in the brain known as the endocannabinoid system. Scientists speculate that our body naturally manufactures substances resembling cannabis (marijuana, pot, reefer erc.), which interact with the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system not only participates in the control of appetite but is active in many areas of the body including the gastrointestinal tract, mood regulation, bone development, muscle control, blood pressure, adaptation to stress and the reproductive system. (and JimA think’s it’s all about smoking!/Blair)

Several experts such as University of Colorado at Colorado Springs biology professor Dr. Robert Melamede have warned that the long term use of Ramona for weight loss could result in unwanted side-effects involving these other body systems.

In fact, depression is listed as one of the side-effects that may limit Ramonas tolerability occurring in about 3% of obese subjects in a weight loss study. Nausea was another important limiting side-effect. Industry experts speculate that Acomplia may be available for U.S. consumers by this summer but no one knows for sure. Insurance companies in the U.S. will not pay for medications for weight loss. Only a drug that treats a medical illness or condition will be covered by an insurance company. For that reason it is thought that Sanofi-Aventis will approach the FDA for an approval to use Ramona in the treatment of diabetes. This is because many diabetics will see an improvement in their blood sugar as they lose weight and because Ramona may have a direct beneficial effect on glucose and cholesterol regulation, as well.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›