Archive for the ‘Russia’ Category

One Response to "South Ossetia"

August 11, 2008

The destabilisation of the Caucasus region has had no end of assistance from the cross border trade in certain agricultural substances. Indeed, the presence of radicalised agents, including many of Osama’s mates in the region has not been because they like the food and the climate. The channeling of weapons and money via crucial links, the valleys and passes in and out of the region was noted back in June as one of the priorities of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

“…Russia will expand cooperation with CIS countries to ensure mutual security, combating international terrorism, extremism, drug turnover, transnational crimes and illegal migration. One of the main priorities of the country is neutralizing of terrorist act and drug turnover directed from Afghanistan, prevention of violation of stability in Central Asia and South Caucasus. “

The trouble is we are not having this conversation… there are so many pretenders to peace and security for whom oil addiction makes it the biggest drug of all, but there is another ‘self repairing’ pipeline as durable and as flexible and as disguised that carries the ‘black stuff’ – a product more fungible than cash, more concealable than a Kalashnikov AK-47 AKM Assault Rifle and more dangerous than an RPG.

Makes humbug of the Amnesty line of thinking… that unless the policy (victim) is hanging at the end of a rope, druggies have no human rights.

Yet there is the nexus. The balkanisation of the Caucasus is the french connection all over again; same story, different actors.

Drug Policy has defined international affairs since USA banned opium in the Philippines just over one hundred years ago… only the magnitude is now ‘orders of’.

Where is GREEN thinking on drugs now?

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

Social Ecologist ‘at large’

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219