Archive for the ‘schizophrenia’ Category

Cognitive functioning enhanced by cannabis use in schizophrenia

November 3, 2007

MedWire News: Cannabis use by patients with schizophrenia is associated with enhanced cognitive functioning, with both frequency and recency of use linked to better neuropsychological performance, conclude Australian researchers. 1 November 2007


“Logistic regression analysis revealed that more patients with lifetime cannabis abuse/dependence performed better on the psychomotor speed component than those without lifetime abuse/dependence. Frequency and recency of cannabis use were associated with better performance, particularly on the attention/processing speed and executive function domains. While acknowledging the issues around cannabis use in schizophrenia patients, the team concludes in the journal Schizophrenia Research: ‘In essence, the findings of this study suggest that cannabinoids, via their agonistic effects on cannabinoid receptors in the forebrain, may have a potentially useful role in the treatment of high-order cognitive processes known to be impaired in schizophrenia.'”

Cognitive functioning enhanced by cannabis use in schizophrenia:

Oh dear, what’s a fellow to think?

“Gee Doc, I think I need to pass this through some higher functioning temporal assessment else I shall worry endlessly what side of the debate to take in this mental health and cannabis debate. “

Beer or Cannabis? Cannabis or Beer? I’m now of two minds, better pass the spliffy.