Archive for the ‘Scotland’ Category

When will it be New Zealand’s turn?

February 12, 2008

I recent Inquirer into Blair’s Brain had asked Google “can smoking marijuana slow down your immune system?”

It characterises many of the self directed searches that have stumbled upon the 600+ postings to Blair’s Brain. They arrive here and end looking at what could only be described as reform insight into what concerns them.

That’s a good thing. Because media is doing a very poor job on this one.

Current administrative thinking may well believe there is a good reason to keep prohibition on, but the wind is changing. For example, the Scottish ‘government’ is cottoning on to just what this is costing – they have ordered an independent commission to justify the public expenditure AND institutional effectiveness on delivering drug policy, from intervention to enforcement to education and treatment.

  • In producing their independent report, Audit Scotland will set their own remit and objectives, and publish an authoritative, full and comprehensive study on the scale and effectiveness of spending on tackling drugs [Scottish Government, UK]. Scotland’s public spending watchdog is to investigate the effectiveness of current anti-drugs policies as ministers prepare to draw up a new strategy to tackle the problem [The Herald, Scotland, UK]. Tackling scourge of drugs A proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the £12m a year we are spending on methadone is needed urgently, but there must also be agreement on what a drugs policy should achieve [The Herald, Scotland, UK]

That’ s a pragmatic start. When will it be New Zealand’s turn?

The Minister of Health announces the social-economic outcomes and risks be in the Law Commision Review terms of reference? Yeah Right!

“there was an overwhelming public perception that our governments had all become, in varying degrees, arrogant, dishonest, distant, corrupt, venal and downright incompetent and, in politics, public perception translates into voter intent.” – Russell Cooper – Former Queensland Premier

Blair Anderson