Archive for the ‘Sentence’ Category

Judge, A Heartless Bastard "Beneath Contempt".

January 19, 2009

Cannabis sativa, scientific drawing.Image via Wikipedia

A cannabis campaigner [and ME sufferer/Blair] who admitted supplying the class C drugs to other pain sufferers has escaped a jail sentence – but received a stern warning from a judge. During sentencing at Plymouth Crown Court, Judge Francis Gilbert made it clear to Stuart Wyatt – who wants to see cannabis legalised for use in pain relief – that he was not above the law. During an exchange with Wyatt’s advocate Ali Rafati, Judge Gilbert responded sharply to the news that the 36-year-old’s “use of cannabis was ongoing” to mitigate the pain he constantly suffered.

Judge Gilbert replied: “Well, that’s his misfortune, isn’t it? I’m afraid the reality is your client is or has been acting illegally and breaking the law.”

“You must understand cannabis is an illegal drug, whatever view you have about it,” he said. “It’s not your privilege to choose whether what you do is lawful or illegal. There is no excuse. You’re subject to the law like any other person.”

He then sentenced Wyatt to eight months for producing cannabis and 12 months for supplying cannabis, to run concurrently, before suspending it for two years.

Outside court Wyatt, supporting himself on two walking sticks, said: “I’m shocked that after two years of trying to get a dialogue or debate within Government, I’m not allowed to say a word in court.

“I’m stuck in the position that the only drugs available to me – anti- psychotic or anti-depressant drugs with pain-killing effects – would cause damage to my mental health. My mental health is the only healthy part of my body that remains”, he said.

One could wonder at this Judge’s sense of propriety when in a previous case he gave a sentence of nine months (suspended) for importing >600kg of tobacco a known killer!!

Stuart Wyatt’s case was all the more interesting for the fact that he wasn’t caught doing anything wrong.. he was caught because the police were investigating another matter and just happened to find his weed.

Blair Anderson ‹(•¿•)›
ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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