Archive for the ‘Special Tactics Group’ Category

The Matrix of Dysfunction, the Police/Drug Nexus.

May 7, 2009


Free health advice when you need it… Yeah Right!

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Cop shot Dead, two more Police plus a member of the public in serious condition, and we pretend drug policy is working!

It has been reported that the incident started during a police drug operation at the two-storey house. One officer was shot in the back and managed to radio that officers were down, he said. (see

(shall we all pretend this is not a severe case of deviancy amplification, created under warrant of the Minister of Health, Tony Ryall! /Blair)

NZ Police subdued Armed Offenders Squad should...Is this an ideological crime/gang patch we should ban?
Image via Wikipedia

A large part of Napier Hill and surrounding areas have been cordoned off by police, bringing parts of the city to a standstill.

With the Hawke’s Bay AOS stretched, back-up was called for, with Gisborne AOS members and a dog unit flown in by the Lion Foundation rescue helicopter around 10.30am.

It is understood the elite Special Tactics Group is en route from Wellington.

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