Archive for the ‘STDs’ Category

NZHerald: What can be done about school violence?

August 25, 2007

Deviancy amplifying behavior; youth alienation from societal norms and disrespect for rule of law has been dealt with from a policy analytic ‘social ecology’ perspective. The findings show that gravely flawed drug policy is the culprit. Ipso facto the solution, necessary drug law reform has been espoused many times to select committee’s, ministers, ministries and law makers.

In jurisdictions where this debate has been held teen misbehaviors have been substantially mediated. The Netherlands is one such example. Teen Pregnancy, STDs, Bullying, Tagging, and a raft of other biopsychosocial indicators (not the least drug use) are not just a fraction of ours, they are orders of magnitude less than ours. Dutch Parents are empowered. Dutch schools are, well, just schools.

The drug war [is] against local control and parental responsibility “There may soon come a time when conservatives ask how national drug policy became a proxy war on parental rights” Doing it for The Children:Independence Institute,

Prohibition: a cure worse than the disease.

It is time that an unfettered debate surrounding this vexing issue be held and the underlying tensions resolved.